Techniques To Help You Stop Spending Money

Cassie M. Thompson
6 min readJun 1, 2021

Give your self-control an assist

Photo by Jp Valery

Living in a capitalistic society, particularly one with a culture of consumerism, you’re likely bombarded with opportunities to spend your money. Advertisements are unavoidable, omnipresent and invasive. Now, they’re even targeted, and thus are often more tempting and effective. Over the past several years, so much data has been accumulated on you and your interests, and habits, that these companies pretty much have you pegged. If you aren’t careful, you may find yourself spending more money than you can afford to.

In my early twenties, over ten years ago, I was especially bad at managing my money. You could say I had a shopping addiction given the percentage of my income I was spending, and the frequency I had packages arriving on the stoop. Maybe this sounds familiar? Have the Amazon purchases been piling up?

After being raised in poverty, I wanted nothing more than the expensive designer goods that seemed so out of reach. Once I started making enough money to buy some of these on discount, I promptly did. But then I bought more, and more of them. There never seemed to be enough handbags, sunglasses, dresses… These remnants of my youth now sit in a storage unit. Well, those I didn’t already sell on eBay for a fraction of what I’d paid.

